We are sick
There isn't much going on here since we are all sick. The girls and I have been sick for about a week. We all went to the doctor today. I was a little worried about bringing the girls to the pediatrician since I knew that pediatricians here do not deal with kids ears. I was worried that she would send us to an ear, nose and throat doctor. The reason I was worried about that was because I know that the Czech method for dealing with ear infections is to pop the ear drum. I am not on board with that method so I didn't want to go to an ear nose and throat doctor b/c I didn't want to deal with the argument. Luckily our pediatrician just listened to what we said and checked a couple things on the girls (although not the ears) and decided to write prescriptions for a lot of medicine...Augmentin plus ear drops, nose drops and eye drops for Ali and Augmentin plus an expectorant for Sofia. My doctor wrote me a prescription for Augmentin as well as some gargling solution. Jason is also sick but not as sick as the rest of us and since his just started he hasn't needed to go to the doctor yet. I went to the pharmacy on the way home from the doctor. It makes me laugh when dealing with hospitals and pharmacy here since there idea of expensive and my idea are nowhere near the same. The pharmacy was concerned about me having to pay for all the medicines. The way that our insurance works (since we have the foreigners insurance) is that we pay upfront for all prescriptions and then anything over 100Kc we get reimbursed (that is about $5.50USD). While it is nice to get the money back the prescriptions here are so cheap that I'm not even concerned about it. We got 7 prescriptions for about 1000Kc or $55. In the US that would have been a minimum of $70 if you consider a $10 copay per prescription. The reality is that I'm sure some of them wouldn't have been generic and would have cost more then $10. It is just another interesting difference between the US and the Czech Republic.