New Blog Finally!!
Here is the link to the new blog.
What happens when a husband and wife decide to sell their house and their cars, put their possessions in storage and move their two young girls and one big dog to Prague? Stick with us and we'll see how this all turns out.
Here is the link to the new blog.
Posted by Mary at 3:27 AM 0 comments
This ends our blog of "Luce In Prague" since we are no longer in Prague! Stay tuned for the new address of our blog when I start blogging about our adventures in America.
Posted by Mary at 8:26 PM 0 comments
I have learned in this process of leaving Prague that it really isn't "good-bye" but rather "see you later". We have loved all of our time in Prague and enjoyed living in such a beautiful city. Who knows where life will bring us but I'm sure we will travel back to Prague again some day. We have said good-bye to people we are friendly with and see you later to our good friends becuase our true friends will never be gone from our lives. We have not lost our friends but rather we now have the opportunity to make new ones......and as our friends move on to their next expat assignment or back to their home country it just gives us a good excuse to travel around the world.
Posted by Mary at 8:24 PM 0 comments
So many "last" things to do.... After leaving Beckiland we headed home and I did some more packing and we waited for Iva to arrive. The kids were excited to see Iva just as they are every Friday night. They were extra excited because Petra was also coming to say good-bye to the kids and Watson. They arrived and not only to Iva and Petra come but also Iva's son, Michal came as well to say good-bye to Watson. They have watched Watson over the last 4 1/2 years and have really taken to him as a family pet and with Petra moving out of Iva's house Michal didn't get to see him as often so he wanted one last time to say good-bye as well. It is nice to know that Watson has been so loved while we were traveling. Petra did break down and started crying but as Iva was having none of it Petra was able to pull it together. Jason and I said goodbye to Petra and Michal and headed out for a last dinner at our Italian restaurant. We had debated if we would go there on our last Friday or if we would stay closer to home but since the owners invited us back for out last dinner on the house we couldn't pass it up. We had a fantastic dinner as usual and I held it together until the end...leaving our Italian home away from home put me over the edge and I finally let a few tears fall. Funny the things that tip the balance. If I'm ever back in Prague you can be sure I will be having dinner at Cicala! We came home and said our final good-bye to Iva which was also difficult since she has really been like a grandmother to the kids and a mother to us while we have been in Prague. I finished up my last hours packing all the last minute things and finally got in bed about 1am and up at 5:15am to catch our early morning flight out of Prague.
Posted by Mary at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Friday was the girls last day of school (15 April) and they had a half day. At the end of the morning the school had a end of term assembly in which they also said good-bye to all the students that were leaving. I was surprised that there were quite a few kids leaving at the end of term. It was sweet to see how they said bye to each child. Sofia had been fine with leaving, at least on the surface, but I saw a moment where she waivered and fought with her emotions after she had been called up and given her good-bye. She sat back down and kept her head down looking at her leaving book. I thought she was going to lose it and break out in tears but she managed to pull it together and her friend Matilda was perfect with a jovial grab of the arm and a quick comment and Sofia was back to being happy. I am definitely grateful that Sofia has some good friends.
Rather than go home and spend time sad that we were leaving Prague we decided to head to Beckiland for one last time with a bunch of friends. It was great for the kids to run around and have fun and it was nice for me to have another time to chat with my friends.
Posted by Mary at 8:08 PM 0 comments
On Wednesday and Thursday before the end of the school term we had parties for the kids in each of their classes as a farewell party. Sofia had hers on Wednesday and shared it with her friend Bella who also left school at the end of term. We brought in cake, chips, juice etc. and let the kids have fun eating together. The kids also performed their part of the upcoming school play that they have been practicing so Beanie and I were able to see the part that our kids would have played if we had stayed at school for the last term. It was nice to see what they had been working on. Sofia's teacher put a book together for both Sofia and Bella in whch every child in the class made a page for the book. It was very cute and Sofia loved it.
On Thursday afternoon I headed into Ali's class for her farewell party. I was, of course, loaded down with all the goodies...cake, treats, chips, well as the plates, napkins and drinks. Ali was happy to have a party in her honor and her teacher also had the kids in her class make a page each for a book just for Ali. They also gave her a stuffed animal school bear which she loved. Also her best friend Cianna's mom also gave her two photographs. One of the photos is of Ali and Cianna's first sleepover together. Ali loves the picture and it has traveled with us so she can always see it.
I have pics and video of the parties but I'm not sure if I have them with me or if they are on our computer traveling the ocean. Therefore, I will have to wait to post them.
Posted by Mary at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 5:38 PM 1 comments
Petra, Sofia, Ali and Pani Ucitelka (Mrs. Teacher: Dasa) |
Posted by Mary at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Over the last week I have been cleaning out closets and drawers and donating the things that are in good condition to a food and clothing drive that is being held by the kids school. It really came at the perfect time for me! Over the weekend Jason and I attacked the attic and the basement to get them all cleaned out for the move. The attic was fairly simple as we only had a few boxes up there but the basement was a little more involved. We did manage to get it all cleaned out and had piles for "move back to US", "give away" and trash/recycleing. Most of the trash/recycling was easy and just went in our outside trash can but we did have 4 old winter tires and the old crib mattress from Ali's crib which couldn't just go out with the trash. They needed to be disposed of separately and since I knew where the dump was I headed there today to see if I could get rid of the tires and mattress. I found my way to to the dump and went into the office building that was there. Noone spoke English so I used some horrible czech since my automobile czech and dump czech are not my best and got my point across that I had tires and mattress to get rid of. They found a man to help me and the rest of easy. He brought me over to the "little house" where i drove the car onto the scale to be weighed. We went inside and filled out some paperwork. The man then came out with me and directed me to drive to deposit the different items. After dropping off everything I had to drive back to the "little house" and drive onto the scale again. I then went inside and paid about $12. I guess it doesn't matter what you dump since you pay for how much it weighs. It was an interesting experience and even after four and a half years in Prague I still get to do new things.
Posted by Mary at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Jason and I have started the moving process in full now. We have made our to do list and have divided the items to complete. It feels much better having our lists in place and knowing when everything has to be completed. Last night we booked our flights back to America (the girls and I on April 16, Watson on April 18 and Jason on April 23rd) . Finally booking the flights was a big hurdle for me. It makes it seem real and definite. I wanted to feel excited about the flights but I actually felt sick to my stomach. I realized that I felt like I was in a sort of limbo...I can't stay/don't want to stay but also am nervouse about making the transition back to the States so it is a can't stay but not ready to leap forward yet either. Today I am feeling better about it but am still a bit torn. As I have said to the kids and Ali repeats back to me often, "it is happy and sad". Either way the limbo feelings won't last forever though becuase come April 16th the girls and I will be on a flight bound for the United States. Even as I write this a smile comes to my face...maybe my limbo feelings will end sooner than I think! We're coming home!!!!
Posted by Mary at 12:24 PM 3 comments
The weather was absolutely beautiful over the weekend. Jason was in Chamonix and Melissa left on Saturday morning so it was just me and the girls. The kids are at an age now that they don't need me outside with them which gives me the flexibility to get things done in the yard or in the house and I don't have to worry. The girls love being outside and they have such great imaginations that even in a small yard like ours they can spend hours. On Saturday they were outside for about 4 hours and Sunday they spent the entire time from after lunch until 6pm when I called them in for dinner just playing together in the yard. I am happy that they enjoy the outdoors so much and I am thrilled that they are such good friends.
Posted by Mary at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Sofia lost her first tooth last Sunday! The tooth (lower middle) has been loose for a while and she has been playing with it non-stop in hopes that it would fall out. She is the last of her friends to loose a tooth. Some of her friend have lost multiple teeth so she didn't understand why hers weren't falling out. I told her it was because her baby teeth didn't come in until she was a year old so since she got teeth late she would loose teeth late. I don't know if this is an accurate assumption but it was the best I had and she did seem to buy it. I'm happy that she finally lost a tooth. She was very excited. The American Tooth Fairy came last night and left her $1. I have been playing up that their are different fairies for every country since some of her friends received expensive toys from the tooth fairy so I thought it only fitting that she would receive American money.
Posted by Mary at 11:24 AM 0 comments
My best friend, Melissa, arrived this morning from the U.S. I'm excited that she was able to make it over to visit before we move back. We will be dropping the kids at school everyday and seeing the sights of the city. It will be a good chance for me to see everything another time before we leave. I'll keep you posted on our adventures.
Posted by Mary at 2:51 PM 0 comments
On Thursday night Jason went out for drinks after work with some friends. He took a taxi home since he was out after the last bus left the city. The taxi drove him to the end of our road where Jason told him was good enough. The driver told him the price but the price was too high. We know what the price should be since we have taken taxis many times. Jason asked the driver to show him the meter. The driver refused and got angry. He started to back up so Jason immediately jumped out of the car as it was reversing. He repeated to the driver that he wanted to see the meter and then he would pay him the fare. The driver got out of the car and pushed Jason. Jason's was holding his phone in his hand at the time and his phone fell to the ground. The driver picked up Jason's phone and got back in his car and locked the doors. he again told Jason to pay but this time he had to pay if he wanted his phone back. Jason again repeated he wanted to see the meter and if not he would call the police. The driver didn't believe him though because he then drove away with Jason's phone. Jason came in the house and got my phone and called the police. After speaking on the phone for a while with the police we waited for the police to come out to our house. When they arrived they brought Jason back to the police station with them to fill out a police report. When he got to the police station he was told they had already recovered his phone (since Jason had the taxi number) but his phone was at a different station. Jason got back home at 5am and we went to sleep for two hours before waking up at 7am for Sofia's birthday. We went to the police station in Prague 8 in the morning to pick up his phone. After waiting over an hour Jason was told that they did have the phone but could not give it to him since it needed to be sent back to the station where the complaint was filed. So now we are waiting from a call from the police station to call us so we can pick up Jason's phone. So in the end, Jason is fine, his phone will be given back to him and the taxi driver will have a problem with his taxi license.
Posted by Mary at 2:48 PM 1 comments
Posted by Mary at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Every friday in Sofia's class a mystery reader comes to read to her class. I have been the mystery reader twice but yesterday was the first day Jason was the mystery reader. Since it was Sofia's borthday we both went to her class. She was so excited to see Jason that she didn't even say hi to me. I didn't take it personally though and I was glad she was so happy to see Jason. I sat in the back and chatted a little with Sofia's teacher while Jason read to the class. He chose two books that were both a hit and the kids were very involved with the story. I took a short video with my iphone to share with you.
Posted by Mary at 10:48 PM 0 comments
After a few weeks off from gymnastics becuase of our holidays and the czech holidays we finally went back to gymnastics this week. The girls always have a lot of fun at gymnastics and have made friends even with their limited Czech. There is a little girl in the class, Ester, who is taking English lessons too so she often tries to say a few words in English to me and the girls. I finally downloaded the app to my iphone to take short videos so I took a couple videos of the girls on the bars.
Posted by Mary at 10:40 PM 0 comments
BACK TO AMERICA!!! Yes, you read that correctly, We will be moving back to the United States at the end of April. We have had a wonderful four and a half years in Prague but it is time to say good-bye. We have always struggled with when to move back home. We came here thinking it would be for two years but arrived here and just loved it. There was no way we were going to move back after only living here for two years. We were happy. The kids were happy. Watson was happy. We all had good friends. Why would we leave that? So, we kept putting off the decision to move back home. After four and a half years the kids have grown a lot. While we all still love it here the kids are at an age where we want them developing their relationships with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We also want to move them into a school system in the U.S. before cliques form and it becomes more difficult to make friends. With the girls finishing up kindergarten and first grade (Year 1 and Year 2 here) it finally makes sense to move back. While we all feel sad about leaving we are also looking forward to the next chapter in our lives.
Posted by Mary at 10:17 PM 2 comments
Posted by Mary at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 2:40 PM 0 comments
We decided the kids were at the perfect age to go to Disneyland. Since we are in Europe that really means Disneyland - Paris. The park opened at ten in the morning so we go there just after it opened. We made a pit stop at the Starbucks in Disney Village so that Jason and I could prepare ourselves for the whirlwind of Disney. The kids were very excited. It was definitely the perfect time to bring Sofia to Disney. She could barely contain herself. You could see all this happy emotion running through her as she tried to rush from place to place. We slowed her down a bit but didn't want to dampen her spirits. She talked a mile a minute in her excitement. As we entered the park we saw Mickey and Minnie so we walked over to stand in line. As we were debating whether to wait in line Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen came outside. The kids quickly forgot Mickey and Minnie and we ran over to take a picture with the princess and the prince. Ali was shy and needed some coaxing and help from her big sister to have her picture taken but once she had Sofia's hand she was ready.
Jason and Sofia on Dumbo's Flying Elephant |
Ali staring in amazement on the "It's a Small World" ride |
Posted by Mary at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Jason and I had decided that we would spend a weekend in Paris without the kids. We figured Paris wasn't the best city for children and it would be nice to expereince Paris as adults....relaxing in cafes, leisurely dinners, stroll along the champs-elysees. It was not to be though. Sofia came home from school one day and asked if we were ever going to go to Paris becuase she really wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. Jason and I looked at each other and gave a very noncommital answer. We hoped that it would be a passing request and she would forget about it. She did not. a couple weeks later she came home with a book she had made titled, "My Holiday Destination - Paris". She was excited about what she had made and showed me inside the book....information on the eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, weather in Paris, distance from Prague etc...all information she had compiled herself! With this book we knew our romantic weekend was over. We could not go to Paris without Sofia knowing that she had such a desire to see the city. So we changed our plans and booked the Marriot just outside of Paris near DisneyLand. When we booked the hotel we checked our calendars first to make sure we had nothing scheduled. After booking the hotel we realized that we had Burns night to attend! So rather than leave on Saturday as planned we left on Sunday morning after a restful :) 4 hours of sleep!
On Top of the Arc De Triomphe with the Eiffel Tower in the background |
Posted by Mary at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Last weekend we went to a birthday party for the girls friend, Kiera. We are good friends with Kiera's parents and the girls have been friends since we first moved to Prague. The kids don't see each other as often any more since they go to different schools but we try to get them together as often as we can since they have such a good time together. Sofia was a little nervous going to the party becuase she was worried that all the kids would speak Czech since Kiera speaks Czech and goes to Czech school.
Once we
arrived though all of Sofia's fear evaporated and she jumped right in playing with everyone. It is always interesting to be at these events to watch the kids and adults switch back and forth between languages. There never seems to be a problem with languages and even when the same langauge isn't spoken you can still converse in a limited way. The kids had a lot of fun coloring, dancing, joining in the conga line, trying to bite a donut from a string and some of the adults joined in for a little limbo game as well. It was a fun party. We all left the party tired from all the fun.
Posted by Mary at 2:12 PM 0 comments