Saturday, June 16, 2007

wind and windows

Yesterday we had a big thunderstorm in the afternoon. It is the first time I have seen hail bigger than a pea. The storm went away but was followed by a very windy night. The wind kept blowing the windows and doors in the apartment so we eventually closed most windows. After the wind blew the fan out of the window we closed all the windows and finally fell asleep. When we went out today it was amazing to see how many leaves had been blown out of the trees. I was surprised to see that the water from the rain pushed dirt and leaves etc into paths in Stromovka. The storm and wind left a cool day today. The wind has picked up again tonight. One of the windows in our bedroom slammed shut and broke the glass. I offered wondered if the glass would break since it seemed like it would be pretty easy for the window to slam shut. Now I know the breaks pretty easy. We need to get in touch with our landlord since we now have a broken window and a water stain on our ceiling after the strong rain yesterday. Unfortunately our landlord is on vacation for four weeks at a spa! Oh well, we will either leave a message for them or call their son (who lives next door as well). Such is life!

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