Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good Friends

One of the things that we have found here are good friends. The vomiting spree that went through our house last week hit me on Monday night. I spent most of the night being sick. I was suppose to meet up with a friend on Tuesday morning so that we could hang out and our kids could play. I had to cancel with my friend b/c I could barely function. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the kids since Jason had to work but I figured I would let the TV babysit and do the best I could. Lucky for me I have great friends. My friend, Susanna, quickly called me back and asked me if I wanted her to take the girls for the day. I was so relieved. I had never expected that call. She picked the girls up in the morning and I was able to crawl back in bed. She watched my girls and fed them and took good care of them the whole day. She brought them back to me at the end of the day so that I didn't have to go anywhere to get them. It was a wonderful occurrence during my illness and one I won't forget. The next day I was a little better but still not great. Sofia had school so I was fine handling Ali by myself but I didn't know how I would be able to walk to Sofia's school to pick her up. Again, fortunately for me we have good friends. My friend Shanna said she would pick up Sofia for me and bring her home. It was such a relief. Our friends here have been amazing. When you need something someone is there for you. Another example of this was last week after Sofia's surgery. My friend, Shanna, sent over a lasagna for us so we didn't have to cook dinner and my friend Emily came by with banana muffins even though she is in the midst of moving from her small flat to a house just outside Prague. It is a great community we live in and once again I am so happy to live in Prague.

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