Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Ear Infections...

Sofia has been complaining for the last couple days about her ears. At first I thought she had an ear infection but then it only seemed she complained about them when she was in trouble so I thought maybe she was not telling the truth. She kept throwing me curve balls though since on Monday she took a nap for one hour and forty-five minutes which is unheard of for Sofia. Last night she had a major meltdown and I asked her if she wanted to skip dinner and go to bed since she seemed tired and to my surprise she said yes. She was asleep by 6:15 and slept until this morning. She told me she felt fine this morning but I could tell she wasn't since she would have a crying fit over the smallest things. I decided that she must be telling the truth about her ears and I called our doctor but she couldn't see Sofia until tomorrow so this afternoon I decided to take Sofia to a different doctor. So, even with the removal of her adenoids, Sofia is still susceptible to ear infections. She has infections in both ears. She will take an antibiotic, ear drops, nose drops, plus her allergy medicine. I hope this is an isolated ear infection and doesn't mean she will have a lot this winter.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hope she feels better! ear infections suck. Becca's had 3 or so already.