Off to Maine
We stayed an extra day in RI with my family since the news was calling for a big snowstorm the day we were going to drive up. We didn't want the 5 hour drive to be any longer than necessary. I'm glad we waited since they got about 2 feet of snow! We had a nice visit with Jason's dad and step-mom. They have three cats which the girls loved playing with. One cat stayed hidden under a bed for most of the time we were
there but the girls kept checking on it. One cat would come darting in and out of the room and the
girls would look around the house to find it. The other cat loved attention and let the girls pet it and brush her. Luckily the cats do not have front claws since Sofia, who is use to Watson, got a little to in the cat's face and the cat whacked her upside the head. Sofia was stunned and cried a little bit and we comforted her accordingly but it was still pretty funny since she wasn't actually hurt. We had planned to build a snowman while there but the air had dried the snow to the point that it just wasn't possible. The girls still had fun climbing the massive piles of snow. It was such a nice visit and it was good to see Jason's dad in good health.
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