Naked Day!!
Friday was a half day for the kid's school, kicking off the Easter break. My friend, Inge, invited us over for lunch and playtime after school. Inge's son, Lars, is in Sofia's class and her son, Nils, is in Ali's class. It was such a beautiful day that we spent the entire time on their patio and in the yard. Inge also invited our friend , Elizabeth, over as well.
(Elizabeth's daughter is in Ali class.) It was interesting to see how the kids played together. Sofia had great fun playing with Olav, Inge's oldest boy. All the kids started off fully dressed playing in the sand, making mud, and running in the yard and as time went on
they became hotter and hotter and as a result more and more clothes came off. After some time the kids found the hose and before long they were running around soaking wet yelling, "it's naked day!!" It was pretty funny to see 6 children running around stark naked and having a blast. The kids all play so well together that I didn't get up once to intervene. It was very relaxing to sit with my friends, Inge and Elizabeth, and enjoy lemonade while listening to the happy sounds of the kids playing. I, of course, forgot my camera but fortunately Inge took pictures and shared them with me.
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