My Bike
I finally bought a bike! Jason and I had thought about it for a while but it just didn't make sense to buy them while we lived in the apartment. We also put off buying them since it is hard to spend the money on something that you already have. Our problem is that our bikes are sitting in my parent's basement in the States and therefore don't do us any good. I was hoping to not spend much money on the bike though but of course that just isn't possible when you are short! I'm happy with my bike because it fits me and is a good bike but it was basically the only bike that was short enough. It seems most bikes come in a size 16 frame and maybe occasionally some will be a size 15 but I had to go with a 14.5. The only reason that even fit me was because the middle bar is slanted down! In any event, I went for my first ride this morning. I covered 13 miles in an hour and 5 minutes. I was able to check out some paths I had wondered about which was nice. There was hardly any traffic when I was on the road and the paths through the woods and farmland where bumpy but fine to ride on. I was happy to have my front shocks to absorb some of the bumps. I think if I can combine bike riding with running I think I will be quite happy (and fit).
1 comment:
very cool! congrats on the new bike!
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