Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our Christmas Tree

Life has been crazy but before Jason went to work on Saturday we set out to get our christmas tree. There is a garden shop close to our house and since we knew they had trees we headed there. We could have walked to get the tree but since we then had to get the tree home we decided to drive. Christmas trees here are not as symetrical as they are in the states. Your average Christmas tree here has many barren areas and are just randomly shaped as trees are. We were, of course, on the hunt for the perfect tree. I didn't want a tree with bare spots or funky shapes. The pickings were slim but we did find the perfect tree. As Jason commented once we had it in the stand, "It looks like an American tree!". Amazingly it was also of the cheapest variety and only cost about $20USD. I guess the Czech standard of beauty is different for Christmas trees. I'm glad beauty is in the eye of the beholder and our beauty is cheap!

We put the tree in the stand and left it there overnight to let the branches fall before decorating. On Sunday we got ready to decorate and realized that for the last two years we have had a very small tree that only required one string of lights. That was not going to cut it this year so we bundle up and headed to Hornbach (like Home Depot/Lowes). We purchased more lights for the tree as well as some new decorations and outdoor lighting. Once we were home the kids couldn't wait to start decorating. We had to keep telling them to wait until the lights were on the tree. Once we started putting the ornaments on the girls had so much fun. We tried to let them decorate the tree as they wanted but sometimes we had to adjust some ornament locations. We didn't think three of the same ornament on one branch was ideal! Now the tree is decorated and Jason put the lights on the shrub outside. We are ready for Christmas!


The Syvertsens said...

Great picture and great tree! I think we have the same type but yours is a much nicer shape than ours!

Safariks said...

That's a great picture of you guys.