So last night Sofia came in and woke me up to tell me that her tummy was hurting. This was not something I wanted to here since everytime she says this in the middle of the night it means vomit is coming. Luckily she is becoming well versed in the ways of vomit and knows to make it to the toilet or get it in the bucket. So my hours between 2am and 5:30am were spent with Sofia throwing up and having diahreah. Not pleasant and exhaustion is not my forte. I was deeply missing Jason last night. After finally getting to sleep at 5:30 I just couldn't bare the thought of getting up at 7am to get Ali to school so I called it a sick day for all of us. As is the usual case, Sofia was absolutely fine when she woke up in the morning. It was as though the previous night hadn't happened except if you looked at me! So we hung out at home today until Ali's doctor's appointment at 1:30. We had her blood drawn so they can test it for Lyme. After the doctor we headed for a snack in the baguette shop before Sofia's haircut and since we had time to kill we also stopped in a ski shop and picked up ski socks and balaclavas for the girls. As I sit down tonight and think, "man what a crazy week and it is only Tuesday!", I have to also acknowledge that we have also had fun since Jason left.

On Saturday after lunch I took the girls to Beckiland, an indoor playplace. I figured it would be a good way to take their minds off Jason and it was exhaust them so it would be easy to put them to bed. We met up with some friends there and the kids were off while I got to chat with my girlfirends. It was the perfect afternoon. The kids love Bekiland and it is nice that they are old enough that I don't really have to worry about them getting seriously injured. Sofia even met a new friend that she brought over to meet me. It is nice to see them being so sociable. The both tried out the climbing wall and really loved it. Ali climbed up so many times she had to put her socks back on since the wall was starting to hurt her toes. On Sunday we had a relaxing day at home and went to church in the afternoon. The kids love going to children's church and I'm glad we didn't miss it this week since there was an entire skit prepared for the kids and Adam and Eve came to children's church! Even by the end when I picked them up they couldn't stop talking about it. Even knowing the Eve was actually Miss Talitha (someone they already know from church) it didn't stop them from being amazed. Ali just kept staring at Talitha (Eve) while I was trying to get her out the door. It was very cute. Sofia couldn't stop talking about the fact that she knew it was Miss Talitha and how fun it was to sing so many songs in Children's church.
So, as I think about how much has happened the last two days (EEG, blood test, and vomit), I also try to keep in mind the fun we have also been having.
hang in there! how long is Jason away for?
just until Friday
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