Friday, July 30, 2010

Week recap

Summer has left Prague this week.  I have been wearing jeans most days and making the kids where their sweatshirts/fleece when we go out.  We have had a good week though despite the cool weather.  The upside of the cool weather is that the kids have been sleeping really well and catching up on much needed sleep.  I thought the week would drag by since the kids couldn't be in the pool but our week has been filled with two birthday parties, a trip to the movies to see Shrek and a trip to the zoo.  It was actually fortuate that it hasn't been hot since our pool has not been swimmable.  Our chlorine levels had dropped to zero so I went to the pool store to ask them what to do.  They told me to shock the pool and sold me the chlorine and told me how much to use.  They obviously did their math wrong becuase we are over a week later and the chlorine levels are still too high although it is getting closer to a swimmable level.  The weather is suppose to warm up over the weekend which should time well with our chlorine levels.  Then we will just need some sustained high temperatures to raise our pool temperature which has dropped again below 70 (F) .

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