This was a very fun Christmas with the kids. They are at such a great age. Sofia was completely amazed watching Santa's journey on noradsanta.org. We had to make her leave the computer becuase she was just sitting at the computer waiting for Santa to reach his next stop. On Christmas morning the kids woke up and we headed downstairs to see if Santa came. He definitely made a stop in Prague to deliver presents. We open our stockings and then took a short break for Jason and i to get some coffee and to cut up the Holiday sweet bread (I have made this every year since living in Prague and it is part of our Christmas morning tradition) so that we would have something to sustain us through the gift opening. It did not take the kids long to get through all their presents. They were going through them so quickly that it was hard to snap pictures and pick up the wrapping paper so that they would be able to see the gifts. They got a lot of legos, K'Nex, polly pockets, and littlest pet shop. They also received books. I'm happy that the girls are just as excited to receive books as they are toys. Sofia received her Magic Fairies books and has already started reading one of them. She wanted to start right away but we told her she had to finish the book she was currently reading before starting on a new one. She complained a bit but then finished her Katie the Kitten Fairy book and has started on Zoe the Skating Fairy. We have allowed her to read in bed with a book light the last two nights and she has read a chapter a night. We will see if she can continue to do this since the last two nights she hasn't gone straight to sleep after reading so we may have to put a hold on this kind of reading until she is older.
After opening presents and having our traditional Christmas breakfast of bacon, eggs and homefries we got dressed and went to our friend's house for brunch. Ali was very excited to see her best friend Cianna and it was nice for us to celebrate Christmas with friends. As soon as we got there (which took about 2 minutes since they live just down the hill from us), the girls took off with their friends. We only saw them briefly when they came into the kitchen for some food and drinks. It was nice to catch up with everyone and see how everyones' Christmas went and how the kids were all excited.
After that we headed back home for a leisurely afternoon. We had some light snacks since after a large breakfast and some brunch food we didn't need a full lunch. We played with Legos and Operation and then I started to get dinner ready. I made the same beef tenderloin with Gorgonzola cream sauce that I have made the last few years along with potatoes and salad. It was delicious!
It is hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. The day after Christmas we took our tree down which we do not normally do but this year our tree died about 2 days after we got it so it was looking pretty bad. I have started to clean up the toys but it seems as soon as I put them away the kids have them back out again to play with. I guess I will just have to accept that the new toys will be strewn about the house until the kids are back in school. I'm glad they are enjoying themselves.
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