Friday, July 27, 2007


I have never been a neat freak. I would keep things picked up but I didn't spend hours cleaning the house. Since we have moved to Prague I clean every Friday. I don't mean pick up. I mean clean. I vacuum and wash all the floors, wash tub, sink, toilet, do laundry, change sheets ...the works! It takes me about 4 hours or so (the laundry takes longer). It never seems like it should take that long since I can see the entire apartment if I stand in the center of it but it does. Every Friday I go through the process. My floors never seemed this dirty in the US. I don't know if I just didn't notice or if it is just dirtier here. Prague is definitely dustier which adds to the need to wash. In addition I think Watson is tracking in a lot more dust and grime. Anyway, I never thought I would be cleaning more in a smaller space.

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