Saturday, July 14, 2007

Summer is back in Prague!

Before we went to Spain the weather in Prague had really cooled off. There were no trips to the pool and I was wearing pants and long sleeves and sometimes a light jacket. While we were in Spain I was hoping the cold weather would be gone by the time we got back but it wasn't. I couldn't believe the temperature was hovering around 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) in the middle of the day! That just isn't right for the middle of July. Today summer finally returned. The sun is shining and there is hardly a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately Jason had to work today but the girls and I headed to the pool. It was so nice to sit in the pool. The girls jumped and splashed and had a blast. The weather is suppose to be this way all week so we will probably will be at the pool everyay this week!

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