Since we had the rental car for the full weekend on the weekend we went to Kutna Hora we took advantage and took a second drive on Sunday. We decided to go to Hluboka Castle. The drive was slightly longer and took us about 2 hours to get there. Again we drove through a lot of farm country. We needed Johnathon, my nephew,
there to tell us what the machinery was in the fields since Sofia wanted to know and I didn't really have an answer for her. She loved seeing the big rolls of hay of which there were many. (I spoke with Johnathon today and tried to describe what I saw and he informed me that it was probably straw and not hay that was all rolled up in the field. He tried to tell me what the machines were as well but since I couldn't answer all of his questions he gave me a few possibilities. Next time I will have to take better notes on the machinery so that I can give him all the details!) Anyway, we arrived in Hluboka Nad Vlatvou, the town below the castle, in time for lunch so we stopped at a little pizza shop and had a quick bite to eat. We then took the big walk up to the castle. It was a pretty steep hill to get up to the
castle but you are rewarded when you get to the top and see the castle. It is huge and beautiful! It is amazing to think people actually lived in it. We walked into the courtyard of the castle and the girls immediately started waltzing. They really put on a show for everyone that was sitting in the courtyard. They love cinderella so whenever we are in a castle they "waltz". As you can see in the picture, Sofia even hold her dress up just like Cinderella does! After their waltz, Jason and Sofia climbed the steps up the tower. They had the number of steps posted where you bought tickets and I immediately decided I wasn't going to carry Ali up all those steps so Ali and I just walked around the courtyard and waited for Jason and Sofia to come back down. After that we waited for our tour to begin. It was a 60 tour but we decided we wanted to see the inside of the castle and just hoped the kids would do ok. The tours are only given in Czech and German but we were told that we could have the text in English. The tour started and we weren't given anything in English so after the first room I asked the tour guide before she started speaking again if we could get the text. Unfortunately, we needed to ask for them at the beginning and she couldn't get them for us at this point so we just stood and listened to her say everything in Czech. Oh well, it was still great to see the inside of the castle. Ideally we would have just walked through on our own so we wouldn't have had anyone tell us anything so we figure we really didn't miss out on anything. We kept the kids busy looking for picutres and statues of babies and dogs which it seems are in abundant supply in all castles and churches. At about the 40 minute mark the kids started to fuss some so we had to do a little more heavy entertaining. Ali wanted to get down (I had been holding her the entire tour) so I let her get down. She was doing fine and staying right at my feet. I turned away for a second and she fell. I'm not sure how she fell but she did. There was a low post next to her which had two hooks on either side. Somehow she managed to get the hook through her shirt and skinned her neck. My heart went through my chest when I turned back and saw her but once I had her unhooked and wiped the blood off her neck and knew she was fine, I was fine. We finished out the tour and headed back outside so the kids coud run around some more before we got back in the car. The castle was really spectacular and well worth the drive.