Monday, August 13, 2007

Great pool day

The girls and I have been at the pool a lot this summer. We have been so much that now I can rate my pool days. Today was a great pool day! We arrived and saw that the parking lot was pretty much empty. We went into the pool and found that most people were at the big pool so we had the kiddie pool mostly to ourselves. The other people that were there were our friends except for 1 or 2 other Czech kids. It was nice for the kids to have the run of the pool. Once of our friends had brought polly pockets to the pool which Ali loved. I don't think I have ever asked Ali if she wanted a snack and got a response of "no". She was too busy playing with the polly pockets!! Sofia's friend Matilda was there today. We met her last week at the pool and learned that she will be in Sofia's class in September. They had a great time playing together today. I played motorboat with them for a little it but then they just had a blast playing ring around the rosy in the water. It was a very relaxing pool day.

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