Saturday, April 19, 2008


Today we signed Sofia up for football (soccer as we call it in the States). I had to keep correcting myself during the practice becuase I kept calling it soccer. I'm not sure it is a habit I can break but I will keep trying. Anyway, Sofia was a bit hesitant at first. I think she was intimidated by the big kids that were there. They split the kids up into two groups. There is a nursery - year 1 group and a year 2 - Year 6 group so Sofia is in with the "big kids" who are all of 5 years old. After getting over the initial hesitation though she seemed to have a good time running some of the drills. After a while she was done an asked to go play on the playground. We let her go since she had been at it for a while and most of her nursery classmates had already bailed on practice and were on the playground. After practice we stopped to get some lunch on the way home but Sofia was so exhausted from practice (and probably the initial stress) that Sofia and I came home and left Ali and Jason at the baguette shop eating their lunch. I hope that she won't have the initial stress every week since we will now have football/soccer every Saturday for the next 8 weeks.

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