Botanicus Village
A little while ago I had seen an advertisement for a place called Botanicus Village. It seemed like it would be a fun place to bring the girls since from the advertisement it reminded me of Old Sturbridge Village. I was very excited when I found out that Sofia's school was having a class trip to Botanicus village. Ali and I joined Sofia for the trip and we all had a great time. We had lunch in the beautiful gardens and then the kids ran around the hedge maze. We then had a tour of the village so that the kids would see everything that was available to them. The kids were each given 7 tokens with which they could buy things. Sofia was interested in the candlemaking so we headed over to the candlemaking building. Once we were
there we decided to skip it since the methos of making the candles was to hold the wick and dunk it into a large bucket of hot wax repeatedly. This is fine for older kids but a couple kids had already burned the tips of the fingers in the wax so we decided to do something a little less dangerous and we headed to soap making. This was a lot of fun and it smelled really good. The girls each made a ball of soap which is still drying on the counter. After making soap the girls only had 2 tokens left each so we walked around to see where we could spend their money. The decided to each buy a ring. After that it was time to head back to the buses. It was a fun day. The girls have asked to go back so we may have to make another trip this summer and take Jason with us.
1 comment:
that looks fun! maybe we can all go together one day...
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