Walking tour and pool
I have had great fun walking around the city with Pat, Carrie, and Nathan. On Monday we went to letna park and then down across the charles bridge in the morning. In the afternoon we headed up to Petrin Hill. We took a stroll through the beautiful rose garden. The roses were surrounded by beds of mint which was in full bloom. There were so many bees in th emint you could hear the bussing in the air. It is very peaceful there. After the rose garden we headed over to the Petrin Tower. Jason and I have not yet been up the Petrin Tower (a mini Eiffel tower) since I have no desire to walk up all those steps. Pat and
Carrie didn't want to walk up the steps either. I decided I would just check to see if there was an elevator. I spoke my broken Czech to the attendant and she told me that there is an elevator but it is only for the handicapped. So I said ok but no thankyou. Lucky for us there was another woman there at the time and she told me if we waitied a few minutes she would bring up us in the elevator. I couldn't believe our luck. We got to take the elevator up to the top of the tower and what an amazing view! (We will have to get back up there with Jason.) We took the elevator back down and continued on to the mirror maze. We all had a good time in the maze and looking at ourselves in the funny mirrors that make you fat and thin and double etc. We finished off the day by meeting Jason at the local Czech restaurant around the corner from our apartment.
Yesterday we hired a guide and went for a two hour walking tour. It was nice to hear more of the history of different buildings and it gave me the chance to see some things I hadn't seen before. After coming back home for a nap I picked up Sofia from school and we all headed to the pool. Pat had tweaked his back so more extensive walking was out and it was hot out so the pool was a welcome relief to the heat. the kiddie pool was all in shade by the time we got there so we ended up in the big pool. It was so nice for me to be able to go in the big pool with the girls and not have to hold them constantly. I put there arm floaties on them and they both kept jumping into the pool and swimming back to the edge to climb out and jump again. I only had to keep my eye on them and help Ali a little although she didn't want any help. It is nice that Pat, Carrie and Nathan had time during this trip to see the pool. It doesn't seem like much but it is nice to share a part of the city that is part of our daily life in the summer. I'm not sure what we will do today but it looks like another beautiful day.
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