Public Holiday
Today is The Day of Establishment of the Independent Czechoslovak Republic and is a National Holiday. Holidays are always nice since it means that Jason has the day off from work. Yesterday our street was cleared of parked cars and huge tents were set up. The huge tents have restaurants in them where you can sit and be served food. Also along our street are vendors of beer, wine, hotdogs, sausages, ham, trdlo, potato pancakes etc. There was also the roast pig which seems to be at every holiday event we have been to in Prague. The weather today is not great but we
ventured out anyway. We had our fill of food and then walked to the end of the road to watch the parade. Since it was so chilly Ali and I decided to get hot chocolate. It is so nice that she is old enough to share a hot chocolate eith me. By the time we got there it was packed. I could barely see anything and we had the kids on our shoulders. It was an interesting parade and very different than parades I have seen in the States. The parade was essentially a military parade so we saw a lot of trucks, tanks and missle launchers. Ali was tired and cold so we headed home before Jason and Sofia but that was fine with me since I couldn't really see anything anyway.
It is always fun to be out in the festive atmosphere and it is always nice that the festivities are right out our front door. There is a stage set up about 50 yards from our front door so I am looking forward to hearing the music later today. Until then I will relax and digest all the yummy food I ate earlier.
is it just me or is that a really skinny pig?
Ben would have LOVED the parade - tanks and missile launchers?!
I assume pigs look much smaller when gutted and the fat cooked off???
hmmm.... yes that would make sense wouldn't it. (ewww gross)
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