The Pumpkin Patch
Last week, on Ali's only good day, the girls and I went on their class trip to the Pumpkin Patch. The nursery kids are required to have a parent present but the reception kids are not so I sat with Ali on the bus while Sofia sat way in the back. It was strange to be there but not to have to parent Sofia. She had a great time playing with her friends. She took her turn walking with the goat and feeding him apples. She picked out the pumpkin she wanted by herself and ate up all of her pumpkin soup. It is nice to see the change in her from last year to this year. Last year I had to constantly be with her and checking on her and this year she was just off by herself. When we arrived Ali went to go check out the rabbits. I guess sh
e remembered them from last year. She spent most of her time with the rabbits last year but this year it was just a quick peak at the rabbits and then onto the pumpkins. She couldn't decide which pumpkin she wanted. I also enjoyed my time at the pumpkin patch and took the opportunity to stock up on squash. You can't buy squash in the store here so this is my opportunity to buy some. Last year I didn't know you could buy it until we were there and I ended up carrying a plastic bag of squash home that kept ripping. This year I came prepared with my cloth bag!
Today we finally had time to enjoy our spoils from the pumpkin patch. The girls and I carved pumpkins today. Well, the girls drew the face they wanted on the pumpkins and I cut them out. They were very excited to make jack-o-lanterns. Sofia helped scoop the seeds and goop out of the center of the pumpkin but Ali decided it was too messy and wasn't going to stick her hand in the pumpkin. After making the jack-o-lanterns, I decided to make some pumpkin soup. Sofia really enjoyed the pumpkin soup we had at the pumpkin patch and has been asking for it since. It is actually quite easy to make pumpkin soup. Next up I will be making acorn squash and butternut squash.
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