Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bye Bye Christopher
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It says " To: Christopher Pop-In-Kins I will miss you Christopher when you are back in the North Pole. From: Alessandra |
Posted by Mary at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
This past weekend we headed to Berlin. It is a city that was not on our original list of things to see while living in Prague but after living here for a few years it made its way on to the must sees before leaving Europe. Somehow living here had increased my desire to see Berlin and to see the Wall to envision what life was like during that time in history. Anyway, we decided to combine our yearly trip to a Christmas Market with seeing a bit of history and we headed to Berlin. The trip there was a a bit (about twice as long) longer than normal since we drove in a snow storm and had to divert around a road closure on to unplowed roads but at least we made it there safely. After making it to the hotel we found that our rooms were not ready yet which would normally really annoy me but the receptionist at the Marriott was very friendly and immediately offered us the use of the executive lounge for the length of our stay. We took that as a good deal, because really what else were we going to do. It worked out great to have access to the lounge since it meant we did not have to wait in line to be seated for the breakfast buffet in the main dining room and if ever we needed a snack or the kids wanted food or a drink it was readily available.
Posted by Mary at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Creative Writing Award
Posted by Mary at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Posted by Mary at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Santa Claus!!
To watch Ali's message, click here: Ali's video message from Santa
To watch Sofia's message, click here: Sofia's video message from Santa
Posted by Mary at 8:36 PM 1 comments
Christmas Tree Decorating
Posted by Mary at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sofia's reading
Posted by Mary at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 06, 2010
Grace Grace Grace
Posted by Mary at 2:05 PM 0 comments
The Christmas Season
Posted by Mary at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Broken Silence Ball
Posted by Mary at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Snow Snow Snow
It snowed again!! The snow started in the afternoon on Wednesday and continued through Thursday morning. It did not stop until it had left another 6-7 inches (15-18cm) !! It is only the beginning of December and we already have a foot (30cm) of snow on the ground. It has been enough to disrupt our schedules. We kept the kids home on Monday because of the snow, we skipped gymnastics on Wednesday afternoon, skipped school on Thursday and no Czech lessons on Thursday. While the kids school did not close we chose safety over school and kept the kids home anyway. The school is horrible about clearing parking lots and pathways and I refuse to drop my children off on a main road to cross the street and walk up a side street by themselves in slippery, snowy condtions. I wouldn't allow that in good conditions so I certaily wouldn't allow it in snowy conditions. The kids did not mind having a snow day though. They spent a lot of time outside and loved it. On Monday they spent two hours out on our road with me while I shoveled and they didn't complain once. When I was finished shoveling we came back into our yard where they played for another hour. On Thursday Jason also stayed home and even though he was working it meant I could leave the kids in the house or in the yard while I went out to shovel our road again. They did take some time inside but by the time I came back from shoveling they were sledding in the back yard again. It is nice to see them thoroughly enjoying the snow. It is also great that they have reached the age to play together and have a really good time. While the kids enjoyed playing I did some not quite so enjoyable work and shoveled our road for three hours. For reasons unfathomable to me the people on our road do not shovel so I do the entire thing myself. One of the men our our road spent an hour trying to get his car up the hill through 12" (30cm) of snow! It would have taken him less time to shovel the entire hill!! The lady a little further down the hill was outside with a BROOM!! Who shovels that much snow with a broom??? I then went past her and shoveled out in front of her house. I did feel like I made some progress though when I got to the bottom of the hill and the lady I saw while I was shoveling after the first storm came home and took a brand new snow shovel out of her car. Now, I didn't see her use it but it is progress over the digging shovel she had the other day. Maybe by the end of winter I will have a little help shoveling the road. I will admit though that it is very gratifying to drive on our road now and know that I cleared all of it. It definitely gives me a "job well done" feeling.
Posted by Mary at 11:28 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Posted by Mary at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Christopher Pop-In-Kins
Posted by Mary at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by Mary at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Play Date
Posted by Mary at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Thanksgiving leftovers
It has been great to have Thanksgiving leftovers all weekend. I invited some girlfriends over for leftover lunch on Friday. It was nice to sit and relax with friends. It started to snow a bit on Friday night which made for a perfect Saturday. The kids played in the yard a little bit and since there wasn't enough snow to make an actual snowman, Ali decided to make a snow Peep. Peep in the Big Wide World is a PBS TV show that the kids have enjoyed for a long time and Jason and I enjoy it too. After playing outside for a little while we called the girls in for leftover lunch. The girls really like eating the legs and wings from the turkey so they were happy to see I had put a wing on each of their plates. While it is definitely not polite to gnaw on a bone in public it is perfectly acceptable to do it in the privacy of ones own home and Jason and I had to laugh at the gusto to which the girls ate their chicken wings.
Posted by Mary at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 26, 2010
A letter for Sofia
As I mentioned before, Sofia's good friend Lars moved away this past summer. I knew they were friends and, of course, were going to be married but I did not really truly understand the depth to which Sofia enjoyed Lars' company. Since he has left she rarely talks about him but I find little things every few days that tells me she still misses him. A letter in her bag that she wrote to him, a heart that says, "I love you Lars", a card that tells him she misses really is heartbreaking to find these little glimpses of my daughters feelings. I'm glad she has a way to express herself though and doesn't just keep it all inside. We did send a letter to Lars along with the Flat Stanley Project that Sofia's class is working on and we will wait to get the Flat Stanley back but today a letter arrived for Sofia from Lars. I was very excited for her when I picked up the mail and saw the letter and I couldn't wait for her to open it. I knew she would be excited to receive the letter. It is so nice that Lars and Sofia are both at an age where they can write letters and can maintain their friendship. She has read the letters multiple times since she came home from school and I'm sure she will keep them in a special place.
Posted by Mary at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Posted by Mary at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Velka Kunraticka
Today I ran the 77th annual Velka Kunraticka, which is a unique race run in a public forest in Prague. The race is unique because it is only two miles but is on a forest trail with three stream crossings and three successively larger hills to climb up and back down: 90, 120 and 180 foot climbs. I have wanted to run the race the past three years but the last two it just didn't work out so I really felt I needed to do it this year. Mary and the girls came to cheer me on and we were fortunate to have an absolutely beautiful day that felt more like September than November.
Posted by Mary at 5:05 PM 0 comments
The girls are doing well with their reading. Sofia is currently reading Rainbow Magic collection of books which she loves. She has reading homework every night and is allowed to read the Rainbow Magic books. When she completed a chapter the other night I couldn't believe how much faster she is reading I thought for sure she would only get two pages read but she proved me wrong. It is nice to see her enjoying her reading so much. Ali has also improved in her reading and has moved up from stage 1 books to stage 4 books in just two months. I took a video of her reading. She has come a long way!
Posted by Mary at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
End of road excitement
Our road turns off the outside edge of a U shaped bend in the road. You have to slow down a lot to make the bend. We surprisingly had not seen any accidents here until the last couple of weeks when there have been two. The first one we did not see but only saw the aftermath. The car must have come down the road in the middle of the night and rather than follow the road around the U shape it shot straight off the road, jumping the ditch on the side of the road, going through some small trees, across our road and through the fence of the first cottage on our road. I am amazed every time I drive past it since I can't imagine how fast this car was going to clear the ditch and how lucky the driver was to miss all the large trees and bricked electrical box. I'm sure the driver isn't feeling very lucky though as he/she must have been very sore and the car must have been a complete wreck. Last weekend a truck that had an additional back end attached to it must have come around the U bend to fast and tipped on its side. It took about five hours to clear the road. Jason had gone out to the store but then could not drive back to our road since it was blocked by a fire truck. He ended up driving to the next village and across a bike path and up to our village pub where he parked and then walked home. We all decided to see some of the excitement and headed down our road to watch them finally get the truck upright which they pulled upright and right into the ditch on the opposite since of the road. We did not stay to watch them get the truck out of the ditch or to get the trailer upright since it was cold and drizzling outside but I'm hoping with two accidents and a road closure that people will start driving more cautiously especially with winter approaching.
Posted by Mary at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Fireworks Night
The only downside of the fireworks night has been for Jason. This year and last year he had a hamburger which is provided by a caterer hired by the school for the night. Both times now he has been horribly sick for days after. I don't know if there is something bad in the burger or if they put something in that bothers his stomach but given the three days of feeling sick I'm guessing it is food poisoning. Luckily the girls and I were spared!
Posted by Mary at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Napkin
Posted by Mary at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Mary at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Power Outages
We have had a number of power outages lately. The one that kicked it off was at the beginning of October. Jason was working and the girls and I had gone to a friends house for the afternoon. When we arrived home most of the power in the house was out. We had randowm power....the livingroom lights, the cooktop and the fridge in the kitchen. I went to the fuse box and checked everything and everything seemed in order. Just for good measure I flipped all the switches and flipped them back on but that did nothing. I went to our main power switch outside and flipped it off and on but that did nothing. I then called the landlord. They came out to the house and did all the things I had done to no avail. She called the electrician who said he could come but wouldn't be able to come until around 8:30pm. I said that was fine so our landlords left and I waited for them to come back at 8:30pm. Well, the electrician was running behind and he eventually came around 11pm. He looked at the fuse box, checked all the switches and then went outside to the main box. Now, there are two boxes outside. One that houses the main power switch and then abother box. I have never been in the other box and don't know what it does but fortunately the electrician does. He opened that box and found that apparently during the day someone had come and stolen a piece out of the box which caused our power outage! I couldn't believe this had happened! Who steals pieces out of electrical boxes??!! Since this power outage I am much more sensitive to any outage. Whenever the power goes out I immediately run outside to see if anyone is stealing anything from our electrical box! Fortunately, the recent outages haven't been for theft. We had a pipe of some sort break in the basement which left us without water for a day which also tripped the breaker. It took us a while of hunting before we went down into the basement and saw the water on the floor. We called the landlord and had that fixed. Our latest outage has to somehow do with the fan for our woodstove. I'm not really sure what the problem is but the boiler guy was here today and he said it was an electrical problem and that the electrician will come. We shall see what he says but I don't have high hopes. My guess is that there is some clog in the pipe somewhere but who knows. I will wait and see what happens.
Posted by Mary at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Grilling Adventure
Before I went to the States I was making dinner on the grill. I was very organized and had marinaded salmon for the girls and I to eat and then one piece of salmon that I could throw on the grill for Jason when he got home from work. I made salad with home made dressing and rice to go with the salmon. I prepared everything put the salmon on the grill and flipped it over. I went inside to prepare all the plates and then went back out to the grill to take the salmon off. I started to lift the lid and to my surprised flames came shooting out everywhere! I was quite startled and dropped the lid back on the grill. I thought that I must have imagined all the flames so I tried to open the grill more cautiously but no, I had not imagined all the flames. The enire inside of the grill was on fire. I turned the gas off hoping this would stop the flame but it did not. I then noticed that the flame was coming from the grease catcher under the grill and realized that the flame was not going to go out on its on since it was a grease fire and it had an entire pan of grease to burn from. I decided to use the long grill spatula to tap down the fire and luckily that worked.. Once I had that flame out I cautiously, using the spatula, lifted the lid of the grill. There were still spots of flame inside the grill so I poured baking soda on all the flame areas and successfully put out the fire. While I was proud of myself for fixing the problem I was very angry becuase now I had no salmon for myself and the girls to eat for dinner. It was already late and getting close to bedtime so I fed the girls salad and rice for dinner which they didn't seem to mind. I however, was very angry and didn't even feel like eating at this point so I got the kids ready for bed and waited for Jason to come home to figure out dinner. Since we couldn't sue the grill until we cleaned it out Jason decided to just cook the salmon in the oven. After preheating the oven however, we lost power. When the lights went out Jason gave up on the salmon also. It was a good thing we had leftovers in the fridge!
Posted by Mary at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Back from the U.S.
Last week I spent a whirlwind week in America. I had not been back to the States in one year and eight months and it was time for me to make a trip home. Since Jason had been back to the U.S. about five times in that same period we decided that I would go back by myself and save the money of bringing the entire family. I only went for 9 nights which is not enough time to bring the kids through the jetlag. As I wasn't bringing the kids I had a vision of relaxing but that did not happen. To many stores to go to and family members to visit that my days were spent rushing from one place to the next. It was good to see everyone though even if I had to rush to do it.
We managed to fit in some family exercise while I was there. On the Saturday after I arrived (I arrived Thursday night) my mother, aunt, and both of my sister-in-laws ran a race together. My Dad and one of my brothers came to watch and cheer us on. Unfortunately my other brother had to work that Saturday but it was nice to have most of my family together for the event. The race was a 5K race for lung cancer that ran through Roger Williams Park in Providence. The park was very hilly but despite the hills, not having trained for speed, and battling jet lag I still did well in the race. I came in 2nd in my age group for women, 11th among 254 women and 29th among all 370 racers. It was not my best pace ever (8:12 min/mile) but I'm happy with my results and it was fun to run in Roger Williams Park and it made me happy to see my Dad, brother and nephews at the finish line. I had to laugh though after the race when my family told me, "there was noone as old as you that came through before you. Every girl that came through before you was young." Of course they were right because the woman who finished in my age group before me was only thirty but I had to stress that I was not old!
Now, I'm back in Prague and I'm exhausted! My jetlag when I arrived in the States was acceptable but my jetlag upon my return to Prague has been awful. I have not been able to sleep at night. Yesterday evening I was sitting on our couch and I put my head on the coffee table for a minute and I actually fell asleep I was so tired! Unfortunately that sleepiness did not carry over to bedtime and I was up until 3AM! The kids have been great though and have been entertaining themselves. I have at least been able to relax during the day even with my kids home from school since they have school break all week. This afternoon I decided to get out for a walk with the girls. I figured it would be a good way to reward them for having such good behavior all morning and I'm also hoping it will help reset my circadian rythm by being out in the sunshine. We had a fun walk through the woods on a beautiful fall day.
Posted by Mary at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Last year we did not need to spend any money on firewood since our landlords had a big stack at the back of the yard that they said we could use. We went through all that wood last year. It was great to use the woodstove since it is connected to a back boiler which in turns sends hot water through all the radiators thereby heating the entire house. Since our heat is electric heat and can be expensive it is nice to keep it as low as possible and mainly heat with the woodstove. It is also just cozy and nice to have a fire going in the livingroom. It has been quite chilly here for a while now and the girls have been asking for a fire. We managed to come up with enough wood on Sunday to have a fire which was enough to take the slight chill out of the house. The nights have been getting down into the high 30's (4 C) and the days have been in the high 50's (13-16 C) so the chill has definitely started to set into the house. We have not yet turned our heat on since Jason and I like to hold off until November if possible before turning on the heat. Knowing that the cold was setting in I knew I had to find somewhere to buy wood. A friend gave me a name of a company outside of Prague that delivered wood. We checked their prices and they were cheaper than going to Hornbach (a Home Depot type store) so I gave them a call and fumbled through my order. They were going to deliver last Friday but they didn't so I waited for them to come today. The company called me this morning and asked if they could come around 4pm which wasn't a good time since I had to pick the girls up so they offered 3pm which I took since I didn't want to have to wait another day. I decided to run some errands before they came but of course as soon as I was in the check out counter at hornbach they called becuase they had arrived at 1pm! I guess deliveries are the same everywhere in the never really know what time they will arrive! I rushed back home and showed the men where I wanted the wood. The stacked it where I asked and then left. It is nice not to have to stack the wood myself. After I pick up the girls today I think it is time for a roaring fire!
Posted by Mary at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 04, 2010
Normally I don't like to receive negative news but I was very happy when I called the Public Health office today and they told me the the tick that was attached to Sofia tested negative for Lyme. It is nice to know I can stop worrying about that.
Posted by Mary at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 01, 2010
The Latest Craze
No, not fashions or kids toys....this is more about me and my latest craziness. I picked Sofia up from school yesterday and her PE teacher told me she found a tick on Sofia's head after swim practice. This definitely sent me into a tailspin of crazy! Having had lyme disease myself and having a parent who is now on a six month course of antibiotics for lyme disease it is something that is very real to me and quite stressful. I definitely don't want my daughter to get lyme and not be diagnosed for years. I immediately took the tick out of her head and put it in a bag. I called her doctor and made an appointment for a bloodtest a month from now. After getting off the phone I decided this was not acceptable and I called the doctor back. Her doctor was good and told me to bring Sofia in to her office in the morning. She also told me that she spoke with a collegue and found out where in Prague I could bring the tick to be tested. Last night I got my ducks in a row (thanks mom) and had all my arguments in place as to why I believed she should start antibiotics as soon as possible. I went to bed but did not sleep well and had a lot of dreams about ticks and other insects. I obviously did not do a good job of hiding my concern from the kids since Ali woke up in the middle of the night in tears becuase she thought she had a tick on her head. I dutifully checked her head and sent her back to bed.
We headed to the doctor this morning and the doctor agreed to prescribe antibiotics for Sofia for a 12 day course of medication. I then left to bring the tick to the Department of Public health to be tested. I will know on Monday or Tuesday if the tick had lyme disease or not. If it did have lyme then I will insist her medication be continued for an additional 16 days. I'm not as concerned about getting the doctor's approval anymore though so it doesn't seem as stressful. I'm hoping that the test on the tick itself will tell me it did not have Lyme and that Sofia is safe.
Posted by Mary at 10:58 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
Apple picking, Burčák and Friends
Last year we tried to find some place to pick apples. Apple picking is something that I love to do especially becuase it marks the beginning of fall. The smell of baking apples, a fire in the fireplace and hanging out with friends is something to look forward too. Unfortunately last year we didn't find anywhere to pick apples. It seems it just isn't done here. This is probably becuase it seems everyone has apple trees in the gardens. We have an old apple orchard in front of our house that did not produce any fruit last year. We just assumed that the trees were so old and uncared for that they just stopped produing fruit. To our surprise this is not the case since this year they are loaded with apples! They are not the big pretty apples, they are small and have many blemishes but they are delicious! The girls ask everyday when we get home from school if they can pick an apple to which of course I always answer yes and I grab one as well.
Since the apples are so tastey and apple picking is difficult to come by here we invited some friends over on Saturday to pick some apples. We also thought we would walk to our neighboring village and pick up some burcak, a fermented young moravian wine only available at the start of the harvest. Our friends had never had Burčák so it was the perfect weekend to pick some up. Unfortunately we didn't get to go for our walk since it was pouring out so we just drove over and picked up the Burčák. We did manage to pick apples although we didn't stay out for as long due to the rain. The rain really didn't matter though becuase we had a great time with our friends. The girls were excited to have their friends over and they all played nicely. Fortunately for us they did keep most of their play upstairs so that the adults could hear each other over the clomping around of dress-up shoes and excited girl voices. It was our first real fall meal of the season with pumpkin soup, spezzatino toscano (an italian veal stew), potatoes and menelik (a piedmont version of Tiramisu) for dessert. Good friends, good food, happy kids...can't ask for much more than that!
Posted by Mary at 9:09 AM 0 comments
More celebrating
This past Friday Sofia was celebrated at the school assembly which she corrected me was only for the lower school and not the entire school. Sofia was celebrated for being "a super assistant and helping friends". I'm proud of her and she was very happy to be celebrated. I was surprised when Ali showed a little bit of her competitve streak though since she was upset that Sofia now had more celebration certificates. I had to explain that the ones Sofia earned last year don't count to this years total. My only hope now is that they stay pretty even on the awards for the rest of the year!
Posted by Mary at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Fitness blog
I have started a blog for training so if you are interested to see what I'm currently working on or if you are looking for fitness information please take a look at my Outdoor Fitness blog. As I have only just started the blog there are only a few posts but I will be posting there regularly going forward. All family related things will still be on this blog though.
Posted by Mary at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Houses, points and awards
If you have seen any of the Harry Potter movies then you know about schools having "houses" and every student belongs to a "house". At the girls school there are three houses, Komensky, Karel, and Hus. Siblings are always in the same house and our girls are in Hus. All the kids try to earn house points and every week the points get tallied to see which house is in the lead. Both kids have earned house points since the start of school but Ali has earned a lot of house points. She earned them for being a good helper, listening well and working really hard. She worked so hard last week that she was celebrated at the end of week assembly in front of the entire primary school. The school gets told why she is being celebrated and she goes up to the front to collect her certificate. Her certificate says, "Super Dooper Work Award for amazing behavior and hard work all week! She was excited to receive the award and I'm very proud of her and all the hard work she is doing.
This week Sofia wasn't celebrated but she did win a heart from her teacher. Sofia's teacher tells the kids everyday that they have all done a great job and they all have stolen her heart. She gives everyone a sticker. She goes one step further though and says that they have all stolen her heart but especially "child". That child who especially stole the teachers heart gets a heart cut out of construction paper that says "You stole my heart today! Thank you for being a great kid!". It is such a good idea and the kids love it. It really does make them feel special.
Posted by Mary at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Happy Anniversary
Yesterday was our 13th wedding anniversary. I can't believe another year has past! I'm so happy that we made that decision 13 years ago. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. Last year we went out for dinner but this year we stayed in and cooked one of our favorite meals, orange chicken. It is was great to have dinner together and snuggle up on the couch. I am excited to see what the next year brings as I'm sure whatever it brings we will meet it together.
Posted by Mary at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Personal Training
After enjoying running and fitness for years now and turning friends on to running and helping friends train for races I have decided to finally make the jump and become a personal trainer. Being a trainer gives me the flexibility to do everything I need to do around the house and for the kids but also lets me do something that I love. Not only do I love fitness but I believe it should be a part of everyone's life. Fitness doesn't have to mean the drudgery of a workout at the gym and being a personal trainer means I can help people find the fun in fitness. As adults and parents I believe that we have a duty to our children to show them how to live a healthy life and if we can have fun in fitness then so can our children. My training programs are all back to basic programs. By that I mean all my exercises can be done outside in a park. Being out in nature in the fresh air while using your own body weight to get fit. By exercising this way your fitness routine can travel with you. If you go on vacation just bring your exercise clothing and you don't need to miss a workout. If you bring your children to the playground you can also use the playground for strength training!
So in addition to getting the kids settled back into a routine this year I am also finding my new routine. I am training five women on Tuesdays and Thursdays in my Beginning Fitness class as well as I have an individual client that I train with once a week. I am hoping to increase that over the next couple months but I'm off to a good start.
Posted by Mary at 11:00 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Beginning of School
We have made it through the first week of the school year and have started the second. The girls are so happy to be back at school and they absolutely love their teachers. I am amazed at how well Ali has adjusted to year one. She was half excited about year one and half afraid it was going to be boring becuase she would have to do math and reading which she wasn't a big fan of last year. In the first week of year one her teacher, Ms. Willets, has actually changed Ali's tune and now she is having fun with both math and reading. Her reading skills have improved greatly. I'm now not sure if she could have read more over the summer but just played us for fools and pretended she couldn't or if Ms. Willets somehow found the right button to push and turned Ali's brain on to learning her words. Ali brings home a book every night and we sit and she reads it to me. It is still not a fast read but it is nice to see her making strides. Ali also comes home every day talking about the math they did in class. As we spoke about it yesterday I asked her how she knew where to put the number in the game they were playing and her response was brilliant. She said, "because I'm smart." I love seeing that confidence in her.
Sofia's teacher, Mrs. AuCoin, is from the States and is new to the school this year. She has such amazing energy and really seems to have a passion for teaching. I think she will challenge Sofia this year which will be good since I don't think Sofia was very challenged last year. Sofia also brings home a book to read every day and there is a comments card that comes home as well which the teacher will write on and I can also write on to give feedback to the teacher. Her teacher is now focusing on intonation and punctuation with Sofia which she needs help on since she will just rush through reading the story. Her reading comprehension is getting better as well so I will let Sofia read her story by herself while I'm working with Ali and then I will ask her questions about her story to see if she in fact read it and understood it. I'm waiting to see what Sofia will have for spelling homework this year since she already completed all the year two key words last year. The spelling from last year was also easier for her and she never had to study them after school to get them right on her quizes. I think she is up for the challenge this year especially becuase she seems to love her teacher.
Overall it has been a great start to the new school year. The kids will start their after school activites this week so it will be another week of adjustment but all in a goof and fun way.
Posted by Mary at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
This year we have decided to sign the girls up for soccer at school. I was asked to help coach this year and since my girls were interested I agreed to coach. I played soccer from age five until I was sixteen and it is a sport that I loved as a child and I hope my girls will love it too. Today was the first soccer practice. I headed to the field by myself though since the girls had a birthday party to go to for Ali's friend, Cianna. I must admit, even without my children there I had a good time. It is fun to watch the kids play the game and move in a big bunch down the field. It is also fun to help the kids figure out how to move the ball. I'm looking forward to coaching this season.
Posted by Mary at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
First Day of School
Posted by Mary at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Over the weekend we went for a drive to a near by town. On our way home we make a left onto a dirt road to come home on a short cut. As we made the turn onto the dirt road, which has fields on both sides, we noticed the field was on fire. As we were close to our friends house and they speak Czech we decided to drive there and tell them about the fire so that they could call the firemen. Our friends were not home so we called first the wife who didn't pick up so we called the husband who also didn't pick up his mobile. Next I called another czech speaking friend who lived nearby only to have her not pick up her mobile either. We didn't feel like we could just drive away from the flames without trying to get help so we saw a couple sitting in their yard. I got out of the car and tried to explain to them that there was a fire. She clearly did not understand and was trying to send me to a fire station. Fortunately someone else must have seen the fire becuase we heard the sirens coming so we drove back towards the fire to make sure the trucks were actually going to the fire. They were there and had it under control so we continued on our way home. Having this happen made us realize that we need to have the emergency numbers for all services available and at least cursory phrases readily available. Now I have that information in my phone with the statements such as "there is a fire" translated on my phone notepad. I'll be ready for the next field on fire!
Posted by Mary at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 03, 2010
Back to Life
This week has been busy with getting back to life. The girls start school next week so we needed to get haircuts. I am not very good about having their hair cut regularly so they hadn't had it cut since February. They definitely needed to be cleaned up. Fortunately the place I bring them had availability and we were able to get in on Monday. The haircuts were in time to have Ali's new passport pictures done since we have to renew her passport. Her passport doesn't actually expire until next summer but because we have to renew our visas this fall and the passport has to be valid for the entire visa period (1 year) we have to renew her passport now. That lead us to our next task of going to the U.S. Embassy. It is a fairly easy task since you make an appointment online and then show up. There is no waiting and it is, of course, all in English. The only difficulty is in getting to the embassy. Becasue of all the construction in Prague we were going to have to take the metro to a tram but to our surprised the construction at Hradcanska is finished and they have reopened the tram lines so we just hopped on the #20 tram and headed to the embassy. Other than that this week has been filled with laundry and going through all the fall clothes in preparation for school. Today we have school orientation. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine.
Posted by Mary at 8:43 AM 0 comments