Sunday, September 16, 2007

Relaxing weekend

We had another relaxing weekend. The last few weekends we have done nothing. It is nice to get up and have nothing to do. The kids enjoy staying in their pajamas and playing in the apartment. Jason and I sleep in one morning each which is a nice way to catch up on our sleep. This was the first weekend that is has been nice though for the last few weeks so today we ventured out to the tee pee playground. It isn't actually called the tee pee park but that is what the girls and I call it. It is actually Namesti Interbrigady but since the playground is so little and consists of a wooden tee pee, a brigde and a rocking horse we call it the tee pee park. It is such a tiny playground but the kids love it. Sofia often asks to go to the tee pee park. This morning it was one of the first things she asked so when Jason got up we headed out to play. Sofia hasn't been to the tee pee park in a while since she started school so I think she missed it. After playing there for a while Jason took the girls and Watson home for lunch while I went grocery shopping.
I headed to Billa. It is the new supermarket that replaced Delvita. It is much easier to navigate (in my opinion) and therefore is more enjoyable than the old supermarket. I did the shopping and then carried everything home. For some reason my backpack was heavier today although I can't figure out why.
We went to church for 4:30. Sofia and Ali have both been enjoying Children's Church. Sofia gets to go with the older kids for her lesson which she loves. We went to dinner after church and had a nice family dinner. It is a nice way for the kids to settle down too since after church the kids are all running around and making a racket. We saw one of Sofia's classmates on the metro on the way home so Sofia said hi to him. I told Sofia that we would have to race if she was going to go to sleep before her friend. Sofia has a competitive streak so she got into bed quickly when we got home and went right to sleep.
Jason and I are enjoying our own quiet time now before the rush of the week begins tomorrow.

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