Back to school
Sofia returned to school after two weeks away and she was happy to be back. She was happy to see all of her friends. Jason drops Sofia off at school and he said that Sofia greeted all of her friends with big hugs and told them that she had been in France and Italy. She had no problem getting right back into the schedule of school.
On Tuesday Sofia had a school trip to a pumpkin patch. Ali and I joined Sofia for the class trip. The pumpkin patch was about a 45 minute drive from Sofia's school. We all got on the bus that the school rented and headed off to the pumpkin patch. It is not what I think of when I hear pumpkin patch. When I hear pumpkin patch I think a big field with pumpkins. Well, this place was just called pumpkin patch. It is basically someone's house. You enter through the gate to their back yard where there are rabbits in cages and chickens in their fenced area, grass and some picnic benches. There was also a big pile of different size, shape, and color pumpkins. The kids had a blast looking at, feeding, and petting the rabbits and running around the yard as well as playing with the pumpkins. It was nice to see Sofia with her teacher and classmates. Sofia really loves her teacher and she spent a lot of time playing with her teacher and the the pumpkins. They served home made pumpkin soup which was very good. Sofia really enjoyed the pumpkin soup but Ali wasn't all that interested. The only thing that mattered to Ali were the rabbits. She loved them so much that she opened up the rabbit pen and crawled in with them!! I was excited when I saw the butternut squash. I think I would have crawled in with them if they had been in a cage!! You just can't get squash here in Prague so when I saw it I was overjoyed. I bought 3 acorn squashes, 1 butternut squash, and 2 of ambercup squashes. Luckily the guy had a bag that I could carry them in otherwise I'm not sure what I would have done to get them home because I wasn't leaving without them!!
Wednesday was parent teacher conferences. This is our first time being the parent rather than the child and it was nice. As a child I was always nervous about parent/teacher conferences even though I was a good student. Now being a parent I can see the other side of it. It isn't about just getting kids in trouble but about giving the parents an opportunity to really know how their child is doing in school. Anyway, since one of us had to be home with the kids Jason went to meet with Sofia's teacher. We were happy to hear that Sofia is doing great. She is ahead on numbers and letters so they are doing some extra work with her so she will be challenged. She transitions from one activity to another without a problem and plays with everybody in the class. Her teacher also said that Sofia was missed while on vacation. It is nice to know that Sofia is well liked.Thursday was Science day. The older kids had science projects to do and present but the early years just had a dress up day. They had to dress up as something scientific. Sofia went as the ocean. It was a basic costume but she was happy with it. We had her wear one of her mermaid shirts and blue pants and then we pinned fish, crabs, whales etc. to her shirt. We put green ribbon in her hair as seaweed. She had fun and kept the seaweed in even after she got home from school.
1 comment:
Hi Mary,
It is interesting how people each have their own perspective. When I went to meetings as a parent, I was sometimes worried that the teacher would say something that would require me to have to be in conflict with them (defend my child). Aunt Mary, a teacher, is nervous at teacher conferences that parents will give her trouble when their children have problems that are not Aunt Mary's fault. I guess the conferences cause anxiety for all.
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