Monte San Savino and Lucignano
We had one full day left in Italy and we weren't sure what we would do. We wanted to keep it pretty low key but also wanted to make sure we saw everything that we wanted to see. Jason's parents left in the morning so we hung out with them for a little bit before they left. We decided to would check out two different towns since they were so close to each other.
We went to Monte San Savino first and explored the town on our
own at first until we came across the tourist office. I'm glad we went in to the tourist office since there was a peaceful garden we never would have seen had we not stopped. The garden was though a building which looked like the current administrative building for the town. We were the only people in the garden. The garden had a couple of levels and in the lower level was an old stage area where I assume they put on plays. We did some pretend performances just for fun. This picture is of Jason and Ali watching a "performance". The town was pretty small so it didn't take long to walk from one end to the other. After walking through the town gate we found a lovely park with a playground. It actually had three separate play areas around the park. The girls tried out each play area before we headed back to the car.
We headed off to Lucignano following the TOMTOM directions. Following the TOMTOM can often be amusing. We ended up driving down a dirt road that went between fields. We laughed thinking that the farmer must wonder why people have started driving through his field over the last few years since if we only had a map we probably wouldn't have followed that "road". Sure enough though the TOMTOM did not lead us astray and we arrive in Lucignano. We were hungry so we got lunch and then explored the town. Since it was the early afternoon the town was quiet. We strolled around and then sat
in a square while the girls ran around and explored the square. While we were resting we got to see a cat toy with a small lizard which the kids thought was interesting. There are a lot of cats in Italy which the kids loved. It is rare to see a cat in Prague so it was fun for them to see cats. We headed back to our apartment and started packing and cleaning for our departure the next morning.
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