And we are off to Munich...
I packed everything and we were ready to go. Jason brought Watson over to a friend's house and then we all walked over together to get the rental car. Everything was going smoothly. The girls and I walked back to the apartment and Jason met up back there with the rental car. We brought the luggage downstairs and got the car seats out of the storage room in the basement. We took the car seats out of their carry bags and YUCK they were covered in mold!! I got the Mr. Proper out and the Magic Erasers (Thank you for sending them Pat!!) and went to work cleaning the car seats as best I could. They still had a little moldy smell but I put a towel over them and put them in the car. The kids didn't seem to mind. This put us a little late in our start time but it didn't really matter. We started our drive out fine. We eventally figured out how to turn the radio on but it didn't matter since there really wasn't anything to listen to. It was a beautiful day and the countryside was beautiful. We were quite hot though since our rental car didn't have air-conditioning. We decided to save a few dollars and get the cheaper car since it was April and we wouldn't need it. We were wrong! It was very warm and I will never rent another car without air conditioning!
Driving Through the Country: Once you leave Prague the country is just farm land. It is interesting how the city just ends and it opens up to farm land. We stopped just before the German border to have lunch at the rest stop. I love European rest stops since they aren't just McDonald's (although you can find rest stops that have McDonald's). I had a nice chicken schnitzel and Jason had pork schnitzel. They were quite tastey and the girls just ate from our plates. Sofia did get a bowl of tomato wedges as that was the only thing she wanted to eat. I was a little skeptical even though I know she likes tomato but I got them for her anyway. She actually sat there and ate a fair number of the tomato wedges. After lunch we hit the road again and crossed over into Germany. It is so strange to just be able to drive from one country into another. After we crossed the border we noticed these signs:I know it is extremely childish but I couldn't help but laugh at these signs. After seeing a few we figured out that they must mean "exit" but if you mangle the German language with English the word just sounds funny. If you can't figure out why I was laughing then you clearly aren't childish enough. Anyway, we did go through passport control but they didn't check us they just waved us through. From the edge of Prague to the edge of Munich there is just endless farmland. There were so many fields of rape flower. They were absolutely beautiful. There were also areas where we think they must have growing hops.
Arrival in Munich: We made it to Munich and got off the highway. We only got slightly lost but made it to our hotel. By the time we were in Munich and getting lost on the way to the apartment the kids were tired of the car and Ali was crying so we couldn't wait to find our hotel. We found our hotel and pulled into where it says is the hotel parking garage. We see no garage so we just park in what appears to be a driveway and I ran into the hotel to see where we were suppose to park. The desk was very friendly and told us to bring our stuff in and get checked in and then we could come back out to put the car in the garage. We get up to our hotel room and it is hot since the hotel has no A/C and the weather has been unseasonably warm. Oh well, we opened the doors up onto the balcony and let some of the cooler air from outside in. The "suite" we had was small for a suite but it worked just fine for us. There were two separate rooms so the girls had their own room. They set up a single bed for Sofia and the portable crib for Ali which was great because it meant I didn't have to bring all that stuff with me. Once we were settled in Jason went down to put the car in the garage. I will let him describe that process. Our hotel was nice and in a relatively convenient location but the area was a little seedy and the streets weren't the cleanest. After Jason put the car in the garage we decided to take a quick walk around the historic center and then get some dinner. We ended up eating at an italain restaurant since it was outside and easy to deal with the kids. We went back to the hotel and got the kids ready for bed. We put them down for bed, left their room and the party began for them. Since we were in a different place and their beds were very close together they decided they would play for a little while. Well, Ali was crying and Sofia was playing. After a while Ali joined in on the playing. They did eventually go to sleep thankfully!
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